A Local Blacksburg Fraternity

30 Years of Brotherhood

Delta Phi Sigma


Delta Phi Sigma is a Non-IFC local Blacksburg Fraternity. DPS is an organization led by its members, for its members. We pride ourselves not only in carrying on traditions set forth by our alumni, but also in innovating and changing to help welcome new members. Our most important goal is to grow collectively closer to one another.

Beyond this, we offer a multitude of opportunities for one to discover his true potential. With leadership positions, we distribute responsibility to those hoping to learn more about themselves through the advent of responsibility.

Finally, Delta Phi Sigma is a social organization as well as a philanthropic one. We organize and participate in community events on a frequent basis. We are constant participants in the adopt-a-highway program, VT Big Event and Heifer International. Additionally, we provide social events for fraternity members at least once a week.


We encourage any and all questions and comments about our fraternity. Feel free to contact us by email at: deltaphisigmavt1991@gmail.com or visit our contact page.